Annual Alumni Awards

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NVU is establishing the annual tradition of the Alumni Award which aims to celebrate and shed light on graduates’ achievements to the public.

In 2023 a special jury will select the winner graduates in the following five nominations: 

  • Outstanding Contribution to NVU

Description: The award honours alumni for dedication to the university's goals. The award will be given to alumni who have significantly contributed to the betterment of NVU.

  • Civic Engagement

Description: The award honours alumni who have made a positive impact on a community. Those who have enriched the lives of others by dedicating time, effort, and resources through their involvement in social issues; alumni who are inspired to care.

  • Equality Promotion

Description: The award honours alumni for commitment to equality through promoting diversity and inclusion in their chosen field or profession.

  • Research and Innovation

Description: The award honours alumni for their research and/or innovation. It is granted to alumni for distinguished innovation and/or research findings that have produced a significant impact in their chosen field.

  • Professional Achievement

Description: The award honours alumni with a prosperous career and outstanding achievements in their chosen field or profession.

The award ceremony will help graduates to reintegrate into the university life, gain professional visibility and network by showcasing their experience.

Alumni of all educational programs of New Vision University can participate in the competition, regardless of the year of graduation. Graduate has the opportunity to nominate either their or other person’s candidacy.

Application Dates: 20.01.2023-26.02.2023

The award ceremony will be held on June 30, 2023.

Application form

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Southampton where, as an MRC Training Fellow, he did his PhD under Professor Sir George Alberti.  His work at that time investigated metabolic disturbances in liver disease and metabolic aspects of endocrinology. He moved to Newcastle where he was First Assistant to Professor Reg Hall.  He subsequently obtained a Wellcome Senior Clinical Research Fellowship, investigating metabolism in diabetes.

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