Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.)

The program aims to expand individual's awareness by appreciation of the meaning of law and formation of justice based values. Student composes individual profile through concentration of subjects of different specialization. The program endeavors practice-oriented learning as well as students’ integration in professional environment and research activities.

Compulsory elements entail working groups oriented towards the development of various practical and research skills. Legal clinics ensure broader guidance and teach how to choose effective ways for resolving common problems of the society. Student learns by Doing.

The program ensures integrated teaching enabling to understand historical background of various legal institutes and to interrelate issues of different disciplines. Program components complement one another. In teaching methodology prevails comparative teaching and retrieving the gained competences through reiteration (repetitorium) in private, public and criminal law with integrated international law elements, facilitates the entry into a professional life.

Program (Qualification): 

Bachelor's Degree in Law

ECTS / Duration: 

240 credits / 4 years 

Annual tuition fee:

2250 ლ 

The Language of Instruction:


Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.)

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Southampton where, as an MRC Training Fellow, he did his PhD under Professor Sir George Alberti.  His work at that time investigated metabolic disturbances in liver disease and metabolic aspects of endocrinology. He moved to Newcastle where he was First Assistant to Professor Reg Hall.  He subsequently obtained a Wellcome Senior Clinical Research Fellowship, investigating metabolism in diabetes.

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